Saturday, November 13, 2010


Crayon Skull meeting is TODAY!

room 1600
building 45

Bring me images of your work, I need them today!


Thursday, November 4, 2010

Next painting club meeting!

Saturday November 13th
Room 1600
Building 45

Please bring 3 to 4 high resolution images either on a cd or thumb drive, I will explain more at the meeting!!! They could be image of drawings, paintings or prints. Anything you've been working on that is fairly recent!!

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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

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Friday, October 29, 2010

Recent Works!

Hello All,

I would like to start posting images of what our painting club students are working on. If you have some high resolution images of your work email them to me at, and I will post them for all to see


Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Tiny Circus

So I was out of town last week, in Columbia Missouri, working with a collaborative artist group called Tiny Circus. This is the animation we made for the Citizen Jane film festival with a group of 15 residents of Columbia over 3 days. The reason why I felt it relevant to post this on the painting club website, is because through my connections within this group I have been enabled to meet people I would never have met, network with other people from all over the country, and create new opportunities.

This is what we have a chance to do with this painting club. We all come into this with a network of people who we know or work with, possibly collaborate with and connect with. How can we utilize these connections to benefit the whole of the group?

The Art Basel Miami trip is another opportunity to meet and connect! I think there are still a few available seats, so email Professor Hager or professor Gaddy!

I'm working on a couple of things right now to build us up. I am actively in the process of completing some necessary forms for the Off the Grid space we talked about in our first meeting, as well as beginning to email people about the studios! If anyone wants to know what they can do to help, email me!!!!


Tiny Circus - The History of Curiosity

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


This is what I am reading right now, what are you reading?
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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Check it out!!!!

One of my old professors just sent me this link, and thought I'd share!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

We are now on facebook too!

I havent finished input allt he info yet's there! Follow us on facebook!!/pages/UNF-Painting-Guild/165483366799292?v=wall

Art History Club on Facebook!/group.php?gid=132078593506516

First Meeting

Our first meeting is going to be held on Saturday October 9th in room 1600, in the Fine Arts building, from 1pm to 3pm. We are going to creating our roster, begin discussing what our goals are for the end of the semester, as well as what our goals for next semester will be. I'm going to bring some Art 21 videos for us to watch, and we can discuss when and where future meetings can take place. SO COME and PARTICIPATE!

One step Closer

So I have been working for the past few days on making our organization official through the university, and have come to a point in which I NEED people to formally acknowledge their participation.

If you would like to be considered an official member, and help us get off and running please email me the following info ASAP!!!

First middle and last name
and N #

We only need 10 members to submit our application to be reinstated as an official organization. So please email me at

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Art Basel update

The official cost for your spot for the art Basel trip is $250.

Don't forget to email professor Hager or professor Gaddy the following information if you plan on attending.

First/ last name
Email address
N #
And cell number

This trip should be really amazing so don't wait to sign up!
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Monday, September 27, 2010

Art Basel Miami

"Art Basel Miami Beach is the most important art show in the United States, a cultural and social highlight for the Americas. As the sister event of Switzerland's Art Basel, the most prestigious art show worldwide for the past 41 years, Art Basel Miami Beach combines an international selection of top galleries with an exciting program of special exhibitions, parties and crossover events featuring music, film, architecture and design. Exhibition sites are located in the city's beautiful Art Deco District, within walking distance of the beach and many hotels."

We all have an extremely exciting opportunity to attend this event in December. Professor Gaddy and Professor Hager are both expecting students to email them with the following information:

Your N #
Your full name
Your email address

Event Info:

Where: Miami Beach Florida
When: December 3rd - 5th
Cost: $200 - $250

This fee will include the bus, the hostel room, one meal and your Art Basel entrance. It's also really important to note that all seats on the bus are first come first serve.

If your interested here are professor Gaddy and professor Hager's email addresses!

Email them soon! I imagine that the bus will fill up quickly

Sunday, September 26, 2010

I made a flyer to post in the studios and around campus. I'm going to print some out, and would appreciate anyone else who might do the same.


google schmoogle!

Here's the link!


Google Art Basel Miami!
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Saturday, September 25, 2010

Painting studio reminder!

There are open studio hours posted in the painting and drawing studios.
We have volunteers who have been coming in on the weekends to give students the ability to work on the weekends. Come in and paint ya'll!! My hours are 10am to 3pm every Saturday, and there are other studio monitors there pretty much all day on Sundays. Check it out!

- Sarah

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UNF Painting Club information

Hello all.

This is going to be the official forum for the UNF painting club, which I’m trying to get started. I’m in the process of making it an official club/organization through the university, which will hopefully help us find money through grants and fund-raising to give the painting students at UNF the ability to fund exhibitions, curate shows and plan trips, all of which will keep us informed on what's going on in the art world as well as give ourselves opportunities to show our work in and outside of Jacksonville.

If you are interested in participating please contact me either through this blog or via email.